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uHuey..GBUng DoNkZ...!!!!!!

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009


I always wake up late, except when my mother up the bed, my mother always wake me every morning, sometimes I feel that Something is not fun.
If school days I always wake up 06.00 Am, and then I immediately go to the bathroom, in bathroom I usually spend about 35 minutes, so I usually finish a bath 06.35 Am, after that I working on a new dawn prayer around 06.37 Am, after finished, then I go to use school wearing uniforms, jilbab dress up as well, it is Something that requires very long process, therefore I usually finish 07.00 Am.
After that, I wear to use shoes , and then go to the appropriate school at 07.15 Am.I usually transported to school with my uncle or brother, but if they are not busy, but if they are busy, I am use the vehicle public.
Trip to school takes about 30 minutes, so I usually arrive at 07.45 Am to the school, I often get punished because of it. At school I spend my time for 6 hours, so I usually go home at 13:00 Am, I return to the use of transportation general who has become since we first subscribed, I come home from school is with friends who have a house the same faculty.
I arrived at the house usually 14:00 Pm, if there are no obstacles, after arriving at home I usually change the uniforms first, and then go to the dining table to eat lunch.After that I usually sleep, and I wake up at 04.00 Pm and hurry to course. Distance to the place of the house to where the course is far enough, therefore I am often late to my course place, I usually arrive 05.15 Am, which should be 04.30 AM.
But if that day does not have the courses I spend my day with living in the house while browsing the Internet, it is something fun, and I do not aware that I have to play until night.
In the evenings when the sunset , I first conduct prayer magrib, after that I went around the dinner at 07.00 Pm, after dinner, I usually watch a movie, until the at 10.00 Pm. I very rarely learn, except if tomorrow there is the task of home or recycling daily.
I usually sleep at night around 00.00 am or 01.00 am, and it is not necessarily, also sometimes fast sometimes slow, depending on the mood.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2009


Joyah's man, Aaron Johnson a.k.a Robbie the Hottie slash rockstar bass player.
Little tit bit: Joyah claimed she owned him, right before the movie started.
Nisa's in l.o.v.e with Mr Hottie here too.
But true, he's one hell hot dude.


Moving on, Tom the Twin brother who is slightly TALLER, HOTTER (my type) and bald-er.
I'm okay with guys with much-less-hair.
Okay maybe not Collin Mochrie's bald....

Next up is Peter Dyer, also known as THE Saliva Kid. Self- centered, but cute enough.
The scene in his bedroom was hilarious indeed.
Georgia (then, Ellen) went to see him to learn a few 'snogging' tricks from the kissing guru, Pee-tah (British pronounciation of Peter)
Turn out, he noticed that he has fallen in love with Georgia when they
kissed (part of the kissing test) with TONGUE! and left an amount of saliva. Approximately about one gallon? Such a turn off.

Peter : My beautiful Georgia *kissed Georgia* Georgia : Come on Peter, we are not dating. I...uhhh am actually, Im..Im...Im a lesbian!

Georgia: Dave, what's the first thing you notice in a girl? Dave the Laugh: Well, most lads would say eyes, but they're lying. It's the nunga nungas. Georgia: What? Why do you call them nunga nungas? Dave the Laugh: Well, when you grab a hold of one and then let it go, it goes "nunga nunga nunga!"
Dave! He is pretty funny and can be considered as a sweet lad. He eventually starting to like Georgia, and found out that he's been used.
Did I mention he has amazing hair?

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009


Im seriously so lucky to have met someone like you, ive never ever had a fight with you, and i dont think i ever will, you never annoy me, we have our ups but not our downs, your heaps awsome :) & i love you heaps bfffffffffffflllll!!!

TyA :)
I think your the only person who knows how to make me smile when im upset& make it all better, some how we've managed to pull through everythong life has thrown at us and im sosososososo glad ! i know that no matter what i can always trust you and you always have me weve had some of the awsomest times and ill never forget each and every single memory & ilyyyyyy bffl!

i seriously have so much to thank you for, your ALWAYS there for me, and i always will be there for you:) your the beautifulest bestest girl out:) and ill always love yaa:)

Your both the funnest and funniest people i've ever met.The 3 Way Phone Calls we have are the best,You make school better and when im sad you always make me feel better with the craziest shit you say and do. There is no one like you and makes me so lucky to even know you boys! ily


Dengarkan kisahku... .
tetapi jangan menaruh belas kasihan padaku:
kerana belas kasihan menyebabkan kelemahan, padahal aku masih tegar dalam penderitaanku..
Jika kita mencintai,
cinta kita bukan dari diri kita, juga bukan untuk diri kita.
Jika kita bergembira,
kegembiraan kita bukan berada dalam diri kita, tapi dalam Hidup itu sendiri.
Jika kita menderita,
kesakitan kita tidak terletak pada luka kita, tapi dalam hati nurani alam.
Jangan kau anggap bahawa cinta itu datang kerana pergaulan yang lama atau rayuan yang terus menerus.
Cinta adalah tunas pesona jiwa,
dan jika tunas ini tak tercipta dalam sesaat,
ia takkan tercipta bertahun-tahun atau bahkan dari generasi ke generasi.
Wanita yang menghiasi tingkah lakunya dengan keindahan jiwa dan raga adalah sebuah kebenaran,
yang terbuka namun rahsia;
ia hanya dapat difahami melalui cinta,
hanya dapat disentuh dengan kebaikan;
dan ketika kita mencuba untuk menggambarkannya ia menghilang bagai segumpal wap.


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[ - *Glitter Photos*]


Suka Memimpin, Dermawan Dan Murah Hati, Penuh Gaya, Aristokratik, Congkak, Percaya Diri Tinggi Nomor Keberuntungan: 6, 14, 19, 26, 39, 42 Aroma Keberuntungan: Jahe, Jeruk Nipis, Jeruk, Rempah-Rempah Planet Yang Mengitari: Matahari Bunga Keberuntungan: Bunga Matahari, Mawar Merah, Bunga Apiun Warna Keberuntungan: Merah Bata Batu Keberuntungan: Berlian Elemen Keberuntungan: Api Pasangan Serasi: Aguarius Leo adalah anggota kerajaan segala zodiak. Mereka bermartabat tinggi dan sangat dramatis, mereka sangat gagah dan penuh warna, dan suka menjadi pusat perhatian. Mereka bekerja giat di dalam susunan organisasi dan pandai membagi tugas. Rencana mereka jarang terdengar namun selalu menakjubkan. Mereka penuh percaya diri dan terus terang dalam menyatakan apa yang mereka rasakan, namun terkadang mereka mudah sekali marah. Mereka memiliki keberanian dan tidak pernah berbuat curang. Leo mempunyai pembawaan diri yang mengagumkan sehingga menarik perhatian banyak orang. Orang leo sangat terbuka, sulit bagi mereka menyembunyikan perasaan dan diri mereka sendiri. Mereka pandai beradaptasi dan perhatian pada segala hal. Mereka dilahirkan untuk menjadi pemimpin dan akan sangat kecewa bila mereka tidak memiliki kekuasaan untuk mendelegasikan tugasnya. Mereka suka hidup seperti layaknya anggota kerajaan dan bersedia melakukan apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan gaya hidup yang diinginkannya. Mereka tahu apa yang harus mereka lakukan untuk membujuk orang disekitarnya melakukan apa yang diinginkan. Leo suka melakukan perbuatan yang besar dan terkenal dengan kedermawanannya. Mereka tidak pernah mundur dari suatu pertempuran dan selalu membela hak mereka dan kepercayaan mereka. Asmara para Leo: Leo selalu membanggakan dirinya sebagai pecinta yang hangat. Prilaku mereka nampak dengan sikapnya yang sombong dan sok kuasa tetapi sifat inilah yang membuat mereka menjadi sangat terkenal di dalam hal bercinta. Mereka tidak suka pasangan yang melebihi dirinya. Leo cenderung dermawan, pandai beradaptasi dan penuh perhatian. Mereka selalu menyenangkan pasangannya sehingga pasangannya selalu senang berada di dekatnya. Leo juga mudah cemburu bila pasangannya lebih memperhatikan orang lain daripada dirinya.

Senin, 02 Februari 2009

Huh CpE' DhEaHHHhh...

hari ini aq lagi banyak banget tugas,semuanya bikin kpalaQ jadi pusing...,lom tgas ni,,lom tgas i2..,huh mana lagi kmplx b'samaan...kyak serasa kpala mw pecah....
yah...sory lah aq banyak ngeluh soal tgs ri sklh..,q sich sbnry tw klo tgas i2 ad/ bagian ri skolah...tapi klo kbanyakn sih..lama-lama males jd sich jadinya... sndirikan semua org mempunyai pribadi yg unik...n pasti semua org tentunya jgn banyak "
bacot" dh klo qm mmg merasa lbh n gak bsa hargai pribadi laenya....
BE U"RE SELF FRIENDS....................